In order to the be the best, we only offer the best products. Each one of the products we offer is among the very best in its market. We research each product to be certain that it will meet our standards of quality. It is then that we offer it to our patients and can stand behind each product.
Nutritional Supplements
our office, we believe that given the proper nutrition, your body has the
amazing capability of keeping itself healthy. We also believe that nutrition
should be individualized to meet each patient's needs. For these reasons and
many more, we proudly recommend Standard Process whole food supplements.
Whole food supplements are made by concentrating foods. When concentrated correctly, the foods supply a multitude of nutrients. These nutrients work synergistically, meaning they work together, to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health.
A word of advice: not all whole food supplements are the same. Many whole food supplements available in today's marketplace range in quality. Companies are riding the wave of supplement popularity rather than focusing on commitment and quality.
To learn more about Standard Process products visit their website at www.standardprocess.com
We are proud to offer Nutri-West products.
Nutri-West is a nutritional supplement company that strives to provide the
highest quality of products to optimize your well-being. Nutri-West supplements
are sold exclusively to licensed healthcare professionals and are produced with
quality ingredients to guarantee optimal potency and absorbency.
All Nutri-West products are of pharmaceutical grade and can be custom selected for your specific needs. Patients who desire will undergo a simple blood test to determine deficiencies of specific vitamins and minerals. This test will allow us to select the appropriate nutritional supplements that will ensure maximum benefit to you.
For specific information on each product, see the Nutri-West product page at nutriwest.com/products